Portable Docker Execution#



You must have Docker installed on your system.

Assuming you’ve already created an analysis on neuroscout.org, you can run it in one line using the analysis_id (e.g.: Mv3ev):

docker run -it -v /local/dir:/outdir neuroscout/neuroscout-cli run Mv3ev /outdir

where /local/dir is the local directory you want to save the results.

This command will first download the latest stable release of neuroscout-cli.

Next, neuroscout-cli will download the corresponding preprocessed images, event files and model specification, and fit a multi-level GLM model. The results will be automatically uploaded to NeuroVault, and the analysis page will link to this upload.

-it --rm simply tells Docker to run in interactive mode and remove the running container after execution.

See the following sections for how to customize this command to cache the downloaded data for future use, and save modeling outputs to disk.

Docker Images#

For every release of neuroscout-cli, we publish a corresponding Docker image.

You can manually download a specific neuroscout-cli release as follows:

docker pull neuroscout/neuroscout-cli:<version>

where <version> is the version of neuroscout-cli that you want to download. If you omit version, the latest stable version will be downloaded.

You can see the tags available for download on Docker Hub.

You can also reference a <version> in the run command. For example:

docker run -it --rm neuroscout/neuroscout-cli:version-0.5.1 run Mv3ev /out


master is a special tag name which refers to the most recent unstable commit to GitHub.

Saving outputs to disk#

Containers are by default sandboxed so that they have access to a clean and separate environment. To access files in the container, you must explicitly mount volumes from your system to the Docker container.

You can mount local directories to Docker containers using the -v argument, with the following syntax: /local/host/path:/absolute/path/in/container.

Here we mount the local /home/user/out directory to /out on the container:

docker run -it --rm -v /home/user/out:/out neuroscout/neuroscout-cli run 5xH93 /out 


After the run command, we are telling neuroscout-cli to save the outputs to the /out directory on Docker, which is mapped to /home/user/out on our local system.

Output derivative structure#

Neuroscout creates a unique output directory neuroscout-{analysis_id} for each analysis. Given the analysis_id: Mv3ev and dataset_name: Budapest, this is a representative directory structure:

│   │
│   └───Budapest
│       └───fmriprep
│   └───bundle
│       └───events
│       │   model.json
│       │   ...
│   └───sub-01
│   └───reports
│   │   task-movie_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_contrast-{name}_stat-effect_statmap.nii.gz
|   |   ...

Note that, to create a fully reproducible result package, by default Neuroscout will save the input preprocessed fMRI images in the output folder.

Caching input datasets#

If you plan to run more than one analysis per dataset, it’s wise to download the input fMRI data to a directory available to multiple analyses.

To do so simply specify a data directory with --download-dir, and mount the corresponding local directory.

docker run -it --rm -v /home/user/out:/out -v /home/user/data:/data neuroscout/neuroscout-cli --download-dir=/data run Mv3ev /out

The resulting cached data directory will look something like this, if you’ve run several analyses from different datasets:

│   └───fmriprep
│   └───fmriprep

The next time you run a model with a previously downloaded dataset, it will not need to re-download the fMRI data.


Docker expects absolute paths for mounted directories.

Other command line arguments#

neuroscout-cli has many more command line arguments which can be specified at the end:

docker run -it --rm neuroscout/neuroscout-cli run /out Mv3ev <args>

For example, if you wanted to specify the estimator to be AFNI instead of nilearn, and the number of CPU’s to be 15:

docker run -it --rm neuroscout/neuroscout-cli run /out Mv3ev --n-cpus=15 --estimator=afni

For more details on these arguments, see the Neuroscout-CLI Usage reference.