Singularity for HPCs#


Singularity must be available on your HPC. Contact your administrator. This guide is for Singularity >= 2.5.


HPCs typically require jobs to be submitted using a scheduled such as SLURM. This will not be covered in this guide, and will assume commands are run on compute nodes (via interactive sessions or submitted scripts)

Preparing Singularity Images.#

Unlike Docker, you must explicitly download or compile Singularity images to a file prior to execution.

For every release of neuroscout-cli, we publish Singularity images to GitHub Packages which mirror the images published on Docker Hub.

You can download the latest pre-compiled image as follows:

singularity pull oras://<version>

where <version> is the version of neuroscout-cli that you want to download. You must specify a version.

You can see the tags available for download on GitHub Packages.


master is a special tag name which refers to the most recent unstable commit to GitHub. latest refers to the latest stable release.

Executing Singularity image#

Assuming you’ve already created an analysis on, and have its analysis id (e.g.: Mv3ev), you can run it in one line:

singularity run --cleanenv neuroscout-cli-<version>.simg Mv3ev <outdir>

Where <outdir> is a directory you can save files to.

This command will download the corresponding preprocessed images, event files and model specification, and fit a multi-level GLM model. The results will be automatically uploaded to NeuroVault, and the analysis page will link to this upload:


neuroscout-cli-<version>.simg refers to a specific downloaded image on your system.

Saving data to disk#

Singularity typically automatically mounts host volumes to the container. This may differ between systems, so see the documentation for your HPC for more details.

Thus, you can simplify modify <outdir> to a directory of your choice:

 singularity run --cleanenv neuroscout-cli-<version>.simg run /work/dir/out Mv3ev

See here for more details on the output directory structure.

Caching input datasets#

If you wish to save the input preprocessed datasets elsewhere, simply specify a data installation directory with --download-dir.

 singularity run --cleanenv neuroscout-cli-<version>.simg run --download-dir=/data Mv3ev /work/dir/out 

See here for more details on the cached data structure.

For further guidance, see our usage reference guide.

for more details on the cached data structure.