

Neuroscout is a platform for reproducible fMRI research, encompassing the lifecycle of analysis from model specification to estimation and sharing.


The platform is composed of two primary components: an interactive model builder and data ingestion API; and Neuroscout-CLI: an automated model fitting workflow. In addition, PyNS (Python API) supports querying of the API and advanced model creation and model fitting workflows.

The server is the key central service in the ecosystem.

Analysis Builder#

As an end user, you’ll use the analysis builder–an easy-to-use and interactive web application. On you can create analyses as well as browse & manage existing analyses. If you’re a first time user, head there to build your first analysis and get started!

Neuroscout API#

These services are supported by the Neuroscout API, which makes available all the datasets & predictors through a programmatic interface. The Neuroscout API indexes a curated set of BIDS fMRI datasets, sourced primarily from OpenNeuro & DataLad repositories. All datasets are pre-processed and ingested into a SQL database.

In naturalistic datasets, novel features are extracted from the stimuli using Pliers– an expandable library for feature extraction which spans a wide range of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms.

The Neuroscout API and Documentation can be accessed at Access is facilitated in Python by the PyNS library. You can also browse datasets and explore predictors on the neuroscout website.


The Neuroscout-CLI is a portable analysis engine which supports the execution of analyses created on

Neuroscout-CLI makes it easy to run your analysis with no configuration by fetching a self-contained analysis bundle, and downloading the required preprocessed fMRI data. Internally, we use FitLins–a NiPype pipeline for fMRI analysis in BIDS–to fit a statistical model to the fMRI data, and produce comprehensive reports. Neuroscout-CLI automatically uploads the resulting images to Neurovault, and links them to the analysis listing, making it easy to view and share your results.


pyNS is the Python library for Neuroscout, supporting programmatic access of the Neuroscout API in Python. Serving as the interface for the Neuroscout API, pyNS is used by Neuroscout-CLI to communicate with the Neuroscout server, and push back results to Neurovault.

Advanced end-users can use pyNS directly instead of the analysis builder in order to programmaticaly build analyses. This is useful for users that wish to create a large number of analyses, or want to create models which are not supported by the streamlined web-bsed analysis builder.

As Neuroscout continues to evolve, we aim to support a broader set of models (e.g. encoding models), which may not yet be supported by the Neuroscout analysis builder, or Neuroscout-CLI. pyNS provides the flexibly for developers to create novel workflows such as these, which can later be incorporated upstream as a primary mode of use for the platform.